Friday, 7 October 2011

Film Set

Definitely a group effort.
A two room enclosed set, based on 'The Death of Ivan Iliych' by Tolstoy and with the theme of psychological horror in mind. We were each given an item to design, mine was the bookcase. We then divided up the items to be made in small groups. In a group of three we made the windows, upholstered the loveseat, put up the wallpaper, painted it, designed the stencils and then stencilled the walls.
Below are the results.


The first images are of a Punch and Judy-style puppet head made from polystyrene and paper mache, which was then painted and given woollen hair. this is followed by a group effort at making a large cardboard 'rod puppet' for a game of puppet football. The final Images are of a 'Muppet' style walrus puppet for a music video to 'I am the Walrus' by The Beatles.

Wild West Photo Shoot

Photo shoot showing our wild west costumes, sets and props. A much better demonstration of my saloon girl dress (which is the purple one).